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They would have helped the Confederates, if the British were to do the same. (It was "We will, if you will")

The French wanted to extend their influence in Mexico, and it would have suited them to have a new pro-French nation in between Mexico and the USA.

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14y ago
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15y ago

The French did the same as the British. They both had a stake in the Civil War, and they both watched the war with interest, but they did not openly take a side. They never recognized the Confederacy as a nation, but they did continue to trade with it and supply it with weapons and other war materiel. In the last year of the war France invaded Mexico and set up a puppet government in violation of the Monroe Doctrine, but the Mexicans defeated the French three years later.

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12y ago

The french fought along side the Colonist against the British during the Revolutionary War.

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That's a good question. According to the experts the two battles fought in Pennsylvania during the French and Indian war were the Revolutionary War and World War two. This was the reason that the Civil War did not happen until after the French and Indian war ended and the native Americans got decieved out of land.

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