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After the French and Indian War, the countries colonizing North America shifted. After 1763 (Doc. A), English colonies dominated the new world. This took a toll on the political relationship between Britain and the American colonists because it lead to the Proclamation of 1763. The Native Americans (Doc. B) believed "they had no right to settle." The Proclamation was Britain's idea of preventing further conflict. However, the colonists were angered, and they believed they were being deprived of their right to be free.

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Q: What did the French and Indian War have to do with how Britain felt about the colonies?
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Why did great Britain raise taxes in its Americas colonies?

1. they raised taxes to pay for the French-Indian war.

Why did Britain raise taxes in America colonies?

Britain Raised taxes on the America colonies because the the French & Indian war left them deeply in debt. The war had profited the colonies so Britain felt they should share in the cost.

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What was one result the French and Indian War?

The French and Indian war removed the threat of the French from North America. That made the colonists feel less dependent on Britain because colonists felt that they no longer needed Britain to defend them.

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