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Im not completley sure about this answer but I did some research saying that the The Federalist essays argued for a strong government and was written by Alexander Hamliton

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Q: What did the Federalist essays do?
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What were the essays that were written to promote the ratification of the constitution?

The Federalist Papers

Were a series of essays explaining and supporting the constitution?

the federalist papers

What were the essays called that supported constitution?

the essays collectively are called "the Federalist"

What was the original purpose of the federalist papers?

the federalist papers were written as essays that argued a federalist viewpoint on the constitution.

What title was given to the 85 essays written by Alexander hamilton John jay James Madison to convince the people to accept the new Constitution?

the federalist was the name of the essays James Madison, Alexander Hamilton ,and John Jay wrote.

How many essays were published under the federalist papers?

The Federalist Papers comprised 85 essays published between October 1787 and June 1788.

What series of essays was written in support of the constitution?

A collection of essays defending the Constitution can be found in a book entitled "New Federalist Papers: Essays in Defense of the Constitution." It was written by Alan Brinkley, Nelson W. Polsby, and Kathleen M. Sullivan.

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The Federalist Papers consisted of 85 essays signed by Publius. The Federalist Papers outlined how the new government of United States would operate and why.

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the federalist papers

Did James Madison help author The Federalist essays?

Yes, he did!

What is a series of essays favoring the adoption of the constitution?

The Federalist Papers.

Was Federalists Papers were a series of essays written to promote the ratification of the Constitution?

The Federalist Papers.