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Q: What did the Egyptians use to measure how high the Nile would flood?
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How was the Nile bad for the Egyptians?

The Nile's flooding wasn't constant. Sometimes it would flood too much, other times it would flood too little. The Egyptians were taxed based on the flood levels.

How did Egyptians use the cubit?

To measure anything - one use was to record the annual Nile flood levels.

When did the Egyptians determine when the Nile would flood?

They did not, it was natural. The River Nile flooded every year between June and September, in a season the Egyptians called akhet - the inundation

What role did the Nile river play in the survival of the egyptians?

it would flood and give the crops nutrients

Why was it important for the egyptians to figure out the length of their year?

They needed to predict when the Nile river would flood

Why was it important for for the egyptians to figure out the length of the year?

They needed to predict when the Nile river would flood

Why was it important for Egyptians to figure out the length of the year?

They needed to predict when the Nile river would flood

Who were the first to record measurements?

The ancient Egyptians had "nilometers' to measure the height of the annual flood of the Nile. A better flood meant better crops, and the taxes could be adjusted upward.

How did the egyptians know when the nile river would flood every year?

They kept a record of it and depended on the flooding.

How were the Egyptians able to predict the Nile flood patterns?

By observing the stars.

Explain the flood of the Nile and how people viewed this flood?

The flood of the Nile was made by so much rain. Egyptians didn't view floods as threats like the Mesopotamians did. The Egyptians looked at the floods as a way to farm easier than they did before.

What did the Egyptians use to help them predict when the nile would flood?

they sent somebody off some where to see if they could see the Nile and if they could see if the Nile was going to over flow or not.