

What did the Comanche tribe hunt?

Updated: 12/10/2022
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11y ago

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The main prey for Comanche hunters was always buffalo (kuhtsu'), but as in all other nomadic Plains tribes they also hunted deer (arʉka'), antelope (kwahari) and small game such as rabbits (tabu'kina').

Unlike many Plains people the Comanche sometimes also caught fish (pekwi), but this was considered an extreme measure in times when other food was scarce..

One story told by the Comanche concerns a small hunting band camped in a circle of tipis; a deer ran into the camp during the day and all the people began to shout at it. The poor animal was so shocked and scared that it could not see a way to escape and died of fright, right in the middle of the camp. This band of Comanche were ever afterwards called pibia niwʉnʉ'nʉʉ ("talk loud").

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