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The agreement recognized U.S. independence and granted the U.S. significant western territory

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Q: What did the Chinese government agree to in the treaty of tianjin?
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What did the Chinese agree to in the treaty of tianjin?

The agreement recognized U.S. independence and granted the U.S. significant western territory

Was the boxer treaty of 1901 fair?

Probably not. Take a look.... "In 1901, 11 nations forced representatives of the Manchu government to agree to these provisions of the Boxer Treaty: • A massive payment of $333 million ($4.4 billion in today's dollars) to compensate the foreign nations for their injuries during the Boxer Uprising and war. (The United States later returned most of its share for the education of Chinese students studying in America.) • The execution of over 100 Boxer leaders and Chinese officials who aided them. • The exclusion of any Chinese residents from the Legation Quarter. • The destruction of Chinese forts outside Tianjin. • The permanent stationing of foreign troops at various places between Beijing and Tianjin. • The death penalty for any member of an anti-foreign group like the Boxers."

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The Mexican Cession and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

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Agree is 同意 in Chinese.

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Treaty of Versailles

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In 1978 the United States government voted a treaty. By this treaty or promise, the United States gave the ownership of the Panama Canal to the country of Panama in the year 2000.

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