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fought them, and lost. so arose the legend of King Arthur

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Q: What did the Britons do to the Saxons?
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Who were the people in southeastern Britain when the angels and Saxons attacked there?

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Who were the people living in the southern eastern Britain when the ANgles and the Saxons invaded that area?

The British or Britons

What ethnic groups were involved in the evolution of old English?

Germans, such as the Saxons, Gaels, native Britons and the Normans.

Who are the Britons descended from?

Direct descent is difficult to determine. There are large influences from the Celts, Saxons, Normans and Romans.

Who settled in England the Celts or the Normans?

The Celts or Britons were the people who lived in Britain before the Normans, Anglo-Saxons or Romans invaded; and they are still there.

What has the author Leslie Alcock written?

Leslie Alcock has written: '\\' -- subject(s): Antiquities, Celtic, Britons, Cadbury Castle (South Cadbury, England), Camelot (Legendary place), Celtic Antiquities, Excavations (Archaeology), History, Homes and haunts 'Cadbury-Camelot' 'Economy, society, and warfare among the Britons and Saxons' -- subject(s): Anglo-Saxons, Antiquities, Antiquities, Celtic, Britons, Celtic Antiquities, Excavations (Archaeology), History 'Bede, Eddius, and the forts of the North Britons' -- subject(s): Fortification, Antiquities, Britons, History 'Arthur's Britain; history and archaeology, AD 367-634' -- subject(s): Antiquities, Celtic, Arthurian romances, Britons, Celtic Antiquities, History, Homes and haunts, Sources

Is PICTS the Name of Ancient Scottish tribes?

The Picts were one of 5 major Scottish tribes including the Britons , Angles, Picts, Scots and the Saxons

When did the Anglo-Saxon invade Britain?


What makes a Briton a Briton?

Difficult to say - since Britons are descended from many races. Our roots lie in the Saxons and Vikings, which came here across the North sea.

What war was placed between the English and British?

Being English and being British are currently considered the more or less same thing. However, in the fifth century, after the departure of the Romans from Britannia, there is the legend of war between the Britons (Welsh) defenders against the invading English (Anglo Saxons). The legend has the Britons under King Arthur finally defeating the Anglo Saxons and halting the invasion at the battle of Badon Hill in 495 AD.

What other groups were living in Britain at the time of king Arthur?

The legend of King Arthur may have been based on a British captain named Arthur, who fought against the invading Saxons at Mt. Badon (Dorsetshire) around 500 AD. The Saxons eventually killed or enslaved the native Britons.

Who ruled Britain before the coming of the Anglo-Saxons?

Before the Anglo-Saxons conquered England, Britain was ruled by an indigenous people referred to as the Britons. They were a mix of Roman and British blood.