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The British caused it by being in Boston. Red Coats get relatively no pay so they competed for jobs with the Bostonians. That, and the stress of taxes (Sugar and Stamp Acts) caused a lot of hostilities towards the British. A mob started throwing things at guards outside the custom house. Major Pitcairn tried to keep his troops from firing back, but they did anyway. When one person fired, others followed. It's important to remember that the British directly involved did nothing but compete for jobs. They were under attack from ice balls, stones, anything the mob could throw, they did. Paul Revere's picture where the Bostonians looked completely innocent was not what really happened. It was Propaganda to antagonize Britain.

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9y ago

The Boston Tea Party is the most famous protest shown by the Colonists. They used the Boston Massacre to highlight their view that the British were unjust, and that the Colonies must be free from British rule.

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16y ago

They called the British Redcoats names and provoked them by throwing snowballs (some with sticks in them) and oystershells.

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11y ago

Patriots acted out of line and they threw items at the British

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Q: What did the British do to cause the Boston massacre?
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He used the Boston Massacre as a way to make the colonists angry with the British.

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