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Q: What did the American Indians mean by saying that something happened many moons ago?
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Do you say American Indians or native American?

well, you can say either one. i prefer saying native americans,but i also say american indians. The reason why most americans today call them just plain indians is because christipher columbus thought he had sailed to india.

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yes it has happened to me before.

what is the language that someone would use if they were saying something that actually happened?

it is called sociology

What is the difference between sorry for and sorry about?

Being sorry about something you did is like saying sorry for tripping you and if your sorry for something that happened is like sorry for your loss. Sorry for your mistakes. Sorry about your loss.

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"Don't cry over spilled milk" is a fixed saying that means not to waste time worrying about something that has already happened and cannot be changed.

What happened to Phineas in Greek myths?

That idiot got blinded by Hera the queen of the gods, for saying something about once being a woman and saying that he prefered being a man. Then Zeus the king of the gods gave him the gift of propechy and so Phineas became the fabled "Oracle". Thats what happened to him.

What is another way of saying what happened happened?

what's done is done

Where did the saying It's going to be a corker come from?

The origin of the word "corker" itself comes from something used as a stopper in a wine bottle. It came to be used to mean something great and remarkable, as in something that will top anything that has happened before or since. The saying "It's going to be a corker" is literally saying that the festivities ahead are going to be so wild and so fun that they will put the lid on any future fun that could be had.

Why are Indians not very clever?

is not that indians are not clever because i am a indian if you are asking this question you are very clever so stop saying this

Is saying you can beat someone with something saying you are undefeatable?

Yes, by saying this you are saying that and i can explain it but you are saying this -Martin Cole-

Why is christopher Columbus wrong for saying Indians?

Because they're not from the Indies.

What is the meaning of the expression too bad?

If someone says "too bad," they could either be serious, in which case they are sympathizing with you, agreeing that something bad has happened. They could also be sarcastic, however, in which case they are saying that they don't care what has happened at all.