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During World War II, the Allied invasion of Italy in 1943 was preceded by the Allied invasion of western North Africa in 1942. At the same time, Allied forces to the east, in Egypt, pushed a mixed German-Italian force westward until linking up with their compatriots in the invasion force, thereby securing North Africa and preparing the way for the invasion of Italy.

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The British deception exercise Operation Mincemeat, 'The Man Who Never Was', attempted to persuade the Germans that the invasion in WW2 would be anywhere else but Italy. In hindsight Italy, Sicily, was the obvious target, the 'Soft Underbelly of Europe' as Churchill described it. Both Salerno & Anzio had but limited successes, and the Italian peninsula was a tough campaign, Monte Cassino typified the hardship suffered by the British & US forces, as well as the crossing of the Rapido river.

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