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The Ba is the spirit of the deceased person. It represents his personality, and is basically like a soul.

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Q: What did the ''Ba'' represent in ancient Egypt?
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What did ba represent in ancient Egypt?

its a male with hair

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The cow could represent many deities of ancient Egypt from Hathor to Hapis/Apis.

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As a hieroglyph, the owl represented the letter M.

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In ancient Egypt was the tortoise believed to represent birth?

Sometimes it was sometimes it wasn't.

Who was ba in ancient egypt?

The 'Ba' was everything that makes an individual unique, similar to the notion of 'personality'. (In this sense, inanimate objects could also have a 'Ba', a unique character, and indeed Old Kingdom pyramids often were called the 'Ba' of their owner).

Why were people embalmed in ancient Egypt?

Important people in ancient Egypt (such as kings) were embalmed so that their body would not completely rot away. That way, when the deceased's ba (soul) visited the world of the living, it would be able to recognize its body.