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the south threatened to succeed from the union

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Q: What did some southerns threaten during the tariff debate?
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What was the nickname that southerns gave to a protective tariff they opposed?

Tariff of abominations

What did South Carolina threaten to do if the tariff of abominations was not revoked?

Leave the Union

What was the nature of the tariff controversy of the late 1820s?

What issue was at the center of the debate about the tariff law of 1828?

Why did South Carolina threaten to secede over the tariff issue?

Leave the Union

How did the tariff issue heat up the nullification debate during Jacksons administration?

The nullification debate heated up during Jackson's presidency.this time the issue was an economic one,when the us went to war in 1812 Americans were stopped from importing factory goods

How did the use of tariff threaten to tear the nation apart?

Southern States would leave of secede

What issue did Daniel Webster and Robert hayne argue in the Webster-hayne debate?

Hayne, a politician during Jackson's presidency, raised many issues about State's rights and Slavery. Some of his comments revolved around the tariff of 1828. He said the Tariff, "was producing a spirit of jealousy and distrust" (Meacham 127).

Who liked the protective tariff?

The South did not benefit from protective tariffs because most of their goods were bought from England. Northern factory owners, however, had an increase in sales because British goods were more expensive with the tariff.

Why did South Carolina threaten to leave the union?

they wanted to leave the union because couldn't nullify the Tariff of 1816.

What happened to tariff during Cleveland secon presidency?

the tariff were lowered:]

Was the Cleveland Blaine campaign of 1884 conducted primarily as a debate about the issues of taxes and the tariff?


Name the tariff placed on printed items during the colonial period?

name the tariff placed on printed items during the colonial period name the tariff placed on printed items during the colonial period