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It is often said that the worst fear a slave had in the US South was not physical punishment at all. Nor was death the most harmful element. Because, under the laws of the times, slaves were considered property. With that said the greatest fear was having a family member traded or sold to another slave owner.

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Q: What did slaves fear more than physical punishment?
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Generally speaking the question would be more pertinent if the question was "Why did slaves live in fear of their Roman masters". However, most slaves were loyal to their masters and in return, a wise slave owner would treat his slaves with decency. Punishment for a slave for killing or injuring his master meant death. Good behavior might mean freedom at some point. Romans had great faith in their slaves ( general statement) and in some cases Greek slaves were assigned to tutor a Roman's children.

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Mr. William Freeland was generally considered a more humane and fair slaveholder compared to Mr. Covey. Freeland treated his slaves with less cruelty and violence, allowing them more personal freedoms and autonomy. Covey, on the other hand, was known for his harsh and brutal treatment of slaves, using physical punishment and psychological manipulation to control them.

Why is that punishment is more effective than deterance?

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Because they thought the men would be more useful when it came to physical labor than women.

Why were slaves killed?

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Is the movie Nightjohn like the book by Gary Paulsen?

yes but he book is more realistic in the treatment, and punishment of slaves while the book is a lot less realistic

How does the Colonel keep the slaves from stealing fruit from his garden?

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The most well known form of punishment for slaves was?

While the lash was popular, branding was more common since the punished slave wouldn't have to take time off as with a severe beating.

What was the punishment for being caught after escaping slavery in the south?

Punishments for those caught after escaping slavery in the South could include severe physical abuse, such as whipping or branding, and even death. Additionally, their freedom would be revoked and they could be sold back into slavery or face harsher conditions.