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To make U.S. Dollars out of it mostly that is why they was welling to kill not only because they hated the people they made slaves but they love the power they had when they know that money was gone be made of cotton. cotton was and is like gold.
To sell and/or make clothes

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Q: What did slave owners use cotton for?
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Related questions

Who was affected by the invention of the cotton gin?

slaves and slave owners.

What are Disadvantages of the cotton gin?

The cotton gin allowed plantation owners to plant more cotton and process cotton faster. This meant that they needed more slave labor and that the slave population grew as a result.

Which side is the confederate army on?

The South, the slave-owners, who had tried to form a separate nation, living on the cotton revenues.

Why were slaves owned by rich slave owning southerners?

Because the big slave owners usually were the owners of big cotton farms, which was the major - almost the only - export product of the Southern US States. Picking cotton at the time was a very labour-intensive job because it had to be done by hand before the invention of the cotton mill. Slaves were of course cheap labour, which was important to their owners as they had to compete against other low cost cotton-producing countries such as India and Egypt.

What were benefits for the South in 1850?

In 1850, the Southern slave states along with Missouri, Kentucky and Tennessee benefited form their agriculture based economy. The use of slave labor allowed them to price products such as cotton, lower than "normal". Of course in 1850, Northern textile mills were good customers of cotton. The USA as a whole benefited from the Southern farm products.Also, in 1850, there was less pressure on slave owners to even examine the British plan of freeing all slaves and compensating slave owners for their "losses".

Why was the cotton gin so important to westward expansion and slave life?

It created more slavery due to faster production of cotton which then led to more demand then adding to expansion of land

Was Eli Whitney a slave?

Yes he was a slave owner. I was at one of those places were they walk you around and they talk about history. Anyway, he said that Eli witney's slave created the Cotton Gin, because back then anything the slaves created the slave owners got credit for. Which means Eli witney's slave created the Cotton Gin, NOT i repeat NOT Eli Witney.

Ship owners benefit from the slave trade?

people had to pay the ship owners to use the boats. i think!

How did the slave owners use slaves?

Farming and other hard labor.

Who benefitted from the slave trade?

the white men benifitted, slave owners

Which crop pushed slave owners to push their slaves hard even through intense weather?

Short-staple cotton - after it became much quicker to process, following the invention of the cotton-gin.

What were slave owners called?

Masters or just plain slave owners