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Q: What did scholars learn from excavated sites of mohenjo daro and Harappa?
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What can archaeologists learn from the storehouses found at Harappa?

The store houses at Harappa tell us about what their diet was like. The size of the grain storage bins also tells us about the size of the population.

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How do scholars learn about prehistoric humans?

Scholars learn about prehistoric humans through various methods such as archaeological excavations, analysis of ancient artifacts, examination of human fossils, and studying ancient DNA. By piecing together evidence from different sources, scholars can reconstruct the lifestyles, cultures, migrations, and interactions of prehistoric humans.

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Ask Dr. Brown!!

How did the scholars learn much about ancient egypt?

the rosetta stone. the rosetta stone helped scholars work out a lot about ancin=ent egypt it was decoded by champollion

Who are the people that the Muslims learn from?

The Muslims learn their religion from Muslim scholars. They may learn remaining subjects from any school, college, University situated anywhere in the world.

How have scholars learned about India's first two civilization the indus and the aryan?

because they had great schools and they liked to learn about them

How did the development of cuneiform scholars to learn about the ancient sumerians?

ccunieform allowed details about sumerian culture to be recorded

How have scholars learned about the first two civilizations the Indus and the Aryan?

because they had great schools and they liked to learn about them

Why was finding the Rosetta Stone so important to the scholars?

Because it is a trans-letter for Egyptians to learn Hieroglyphics.

How did the cuneiform enable scholars to learn about the ancient Sumerians?

ccunieform allowed details about sumerian culture to be recorded

How have scholars learned about India's first two civilizations the indus and the aryan?

because they had great schools and they liked to learn about them