They danced and made tapestries, played music, and sang. A few read books for fun, a fact that is specifically recorded in history, and some, like Anna Comnena, kept diaries. Some went hawking. I think many daydreamed in those days, though I doubt it was recorded in history (apart from ecstatic visions). I suspect they did a lot of things that were unrecorded in history books.
We know that Eleanor of Aquitaine flirted with kings and ran a Court of Love. My guess is that it was a lot more fun than reality TV. She also went on a crusade with 300 other women, and though this was officially a religious act, my guess is that it was also for fun.
Marie of France write poems, and had grown up with sufficient wealth to merit an education. She was one of the best poets of the Middle Ages.
Heloise, who was very well educated, had a passionate fling with Peter Abelard and got pregnant. Even though they got married and he was of a higher social station, her family took vengeance by capturing and mutilating him. She spent the rest of her life in a convent.
Some young ladies tagged along on pilgrimages to Canterbury or other pilgrim destinations, and doubtless had a good deal of fun doing this.
You can bet your bottom dollar that at least a few rich medieval young ladies skipped out of a convent or ran away from home to join a band of minstrels and become part of the act.
cervantes and middle age
He made fun of how people looked.
Drink, doodle in the margins of manuscripts, read books, study nature.....
Yes noble women, women serfs, and the queen
The medieval queens had a big feast for fun in the middle ages .
The medieval queens had a big feast for fun in the middle ages .
Softball is usually fun for those ages. But the girls must be willing to work hard and to cooperate.
cervantes and middle age
He made fun of how people looked.
burning old ladies
Girls go games
Not much. This was a very harsh and dangerous time. is kind of fun for children. So is Both for ages 5-9 i geuss
It was gay.