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Farmers produce. Farmers Produce Farmers Produce

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Q: What did rich's accept in lieu of paper money during the Great Depression?
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How did blacks earn money during the great depression?

they loved them

What was the biggest problem during the Great Depression?

=The biggest change during the great depression was the way money is handled. The way money was handled was way different then it is now.=

How could people pay for their houses during the great depression?

by raising money

What is the cost of goods and services in New Zealand during the great depression?

New Zealand suffered during the Great Depression because the New Zealand economy relies largely on exports. During the depression there was no demand for any of the products we have to export, and therefore there was no circulation of money.

What problems did people have during the Great Depression?

No Jobs,No money,no Housing,No food,and no vehicles :(

Why did Mahalia Jackson and Isaac Hockenhull get divorced?

In part because she rejected his pleas for her to accept secular roles rather than religious. Also, he gambled away their money, which she tried to save during the Great Depression.

Why did banks fail during the great depression?

People kept on getting money after money and the bank didn't have any more money to give out

How can I make an alphabet book of the Great Depression when I can't find a word that starts with Q?

How about this? During the Great Depression, people learned that the QUALITY of life did not depend on how much money they had.

Why did women and babies get abandon during the Great Depression?

During the Great Depression, money was scarce and even the money you had was worthless. Often, one couldn't afford to pay for a partner let alone support a family. This likely led to the abandonment of many women and children.

What did money have to do with the Great Depression?

The great depression was a time where many people could not make much money, and it was hard to make money.

Why did many businesses fall during the Great Depression?

Profits were down because customers had no money.

Why did so many people end up homeless during the Great Depression?

So many people ended up homeless during the Great Depression becuause they lost there jobs and had no money.