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Q: What did president Kennedy secretly off Krushchev that ended the Cuban Missile Crisis?
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What did President Kennedy secretly offer Nikita Khrushchev that helped end the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Kennedy offered to remove the American missiles from Turkey.

Who was the president during the Cuban missile crisis?

The Cuban President during the Cuban Missile Crisis, which began on October 12, 1962 and lasted for 12-days, was Osvaldo Dorticós Torrado, serving as Cuban President from July 17, 1959- December 2, 1976.

The President who resolved the Cuban Missile Crisis was?

President Kennedy is credited with resolving the Cuban Missile Crisis.President John F. Kennedy

Who were the leaders of the US Russia and Cuba during the Cuban missile crisis?

The leader of the United States was President John F. Kennedy & Soviet General Secretary Nikita Khrushchev was the USSR leader.

Who was president when the Cuban missile occurred?


What president dealt with the Cuban missile?


Was Nikita Krushchev apart of the Cuban missile crisis?

Yes Nakita Krushchev was apart in the Cuban Missle projct

What man was associated with the Cuban missile crisis?

President Kennedy

What president was in office while the Cuban missile crises was on?

John Kennedy was the President during this crisis.

What was president Kennedy's response to the missile buildup in Cuba?

His response was an embargo.

Why did John Kennedy consider Nikita Krushchev to a threat?

Krushchev was the dictator of the USSR which was serious military power and had taken over much of Eastern Europe in the aftermath of WW II. In particular, the USSR controlled East Germany with exception of the western part of Berlin which was surrounded by East Germany. While Kennedy was president, Krushchev ordered a blockade of the roads leading into West Berlin, in an apparent attempt to capture it. This put the US and USSR on the brink of war. Krushchev also made a treaty with communist Cuba and attempted to set up missile bases there with Soviet missiles. This produced another crisis. In short, Krushchev had great military power under his command and showed clear hostility to US interests.

Who was President when reconnaissance planes found Soviet missile bases in Cuba?
