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Q: What did pope urban 2 do to aid byzantine empire?
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What organization offered practical aid and religious counseling to the urban poor people?

Salvation Army

Why did the empire race help to cause World War 1?

Alliances and mutual aid and protection pacts mean that nations both large and small were drawn into the conflict.

What did General George Washington do about the pope holiday?

General George Washington made it clear to American patriots and to his soldiers that the so-called "pope" holiday had to be ended. He explained that the aid of French Catholics would help the American Revolution. His stance was a step towards religious tolerance in the future American nation.

Why did british retreat from empire after World War 2?

It was part of the agreement that Britain should give up it's empire for the USA giving aid/coming into the war. There was also a policy after WW1 that America had secret plans for a war against Britain and it is thought that if the empire was weaker then GB would not be a threat.

Why did Union General John Pope find himself to be the target of forces from the South and the North?

Union General John Pope and his Army of Virginia ironically had two forces against him in the late Summer of 1862. One force was logical, in that Confederate President Jefferson Davis and General Robert E. Lee wanted to assault Pope's army before it could be reinforced by troops from the Army of the Potomac. The unusual twist was that General George B. McClellan was eager to have Pope defeated and discredited. In McClellan's view, Pope was a potential rival for taking command of the Army of the Potomac and retain his leadership of the Army of Virginia. Historians claim that McClellan was more interested in seeing Pope fail because if he succeeded, Radical Republicans would favor Pope over McClellan. A Union disaster would aid McClellan's goal of reducing the power of Radical Republicans and reduce Halleck. McClellan wanted to be general in chief again and to have Stanton removed from the cabinet.

Related questions

What was the significance of the efforts of Pope Urban II?

Pope Urban II is most important for sending aid to the Byzantine Empire against the Turks and calling the First Crusade. He also established the groundwork of the Roman Curia which is still in use today.

Why was Pope Gregory VII eager to help out Constantinople with the invasions of his lands?

Pope Gregory had the power to send knights to fight in defense of Christendom. This allowed him to mount an attack on the Seljuk Dynasty. After the Seljuks defeated the Byzantine army at Manzikert and seized Anatolia, the Pope called for â??Soldiers of Christâ?? to go to Byzantiumâ??s aid.

When did the push for the Crusades come in?

Alexius I, Byzantine emperor, appealed to Christian Europe for military aid against the Muslim Seljuk Turks, who he was afraid were going to overrun his empire and perhaps even conquer Constantinople.

Why did Pope Urban II launch the crusades?

Pope Urban 2 launched the Crusades for several different reasons:Alexius I, who was the Emperor of Byzantium at the time, pleaded with Pope Urban II to help him regain Byzantine territory in the Middle East, and protect the rest of Byzantium from being captured by the Arabs.At the time the kings in Europe quarrelled among themselves. Pope Urban II thought that going on the Crusades would keep the kings from quarreling among themselves.Pope Urban II also thought that the Crusades would be a good way for the Church to make a large amount of wealth. The Church could do this because when the Nobles went on the Crusades they became broke and the Church bought the Nobles land cheap, and then sold it for a profit.Pope Urban II also thought that some Holy Artifacts would be found on the Crusades and would make the Church look even more powerful and people would become more religious because of it.Pope Urban II also hoped that the Crusaders would end up converting some inhabitants of the cities they captured, but most of the people were slaughtered by the Crusaders, who acted like savages.Pope Urban II hoped that the Crusaders would capture land so that the Christian Empire would expand in the Middle East.Last, Pope Urban II hoped that by coming to the aid of Alexius, that he would be able to reunite the Eastern and Western Churches, therefore becoming a hero.Catholic AnswerPlease see the book below, Seven Lies About Catholic History by Diane Moczar. To quote from her book, page 57 "All of the above, of course, is hogwash. Unprovoked Muslim aggression in the seventh century brought large parts of the southern Byzantine Empire ... under Arab rule. Christians who survived the conquests found themselves subject to a special poll tax and discriminated against... For centuries their complaints had been reaching Rome, but Europe was having its own Dark Age of massive invasion, and nothing could be done to relieve the plight of the eastern Christians. ... there are reports of pilgrims being executed, some by crucifixion. By the eleventh century, under the rule of a new Muslim dynasty, conditions worsened..." In other words, Pope Urban was trying to liberate oppressed Christians who had been invaded and conquered by a cruel tyrant. His goal was to rescue the Christians and make the Holy Land safe for pilgrimage - nothing more."

What Programs or services are available for the urban poor today?


What was the purpose of pope Urban the second's plea?

Having received a petition for aid against the invasion of the Seljuk Turks from the Eastern emperor Alexios I Komnenos, blessed pope Urban II wanted to convince those in the west who could lead a campaign towards the Holy Land that this was a matter of duty for Christians. It is said that from his preaching of what would be later called the first crusade came the common cry "Deus vult!" (God wills it!)

What organization offered practical aid and religious conseling to the urban poor?

Salvation Army

What organization offered practical aid religious counseling to the urban poor?

i ling got my answer

What kind of food do urban people eat?

Fried chicken Watermelon Kool-Aid

Why did children participate in the crusades?

Children participated in the Crusades mainly due to religious fervor and the belief that they were fighting in the name of Christianity. Additionally, some children were inspired by charismatic leaders, promises of riches or land, and the idea of adventure and glory. They were often influenced by the general enthusiasm and propaganda surrounding the Crusades at the time.

What organization offered practical aid and religion counseling to the urban poor?

The Salvation Army is an organization that offers practical aid and religious counseling to the urban poor. They provide services such as food assistance, shelter, addiction rehabilitation, and spiritual guidance to those in need.

What organization offered practical aid and religious counseling to the urban poor people?

Salvation Army