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When slavery was still legal in the US, plantation owners considered slaves to be pieces of property. This meant that slave families could be bought, sold, and subjected to all kinds of horrible treatment.

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Q: What did planters considered their slaves?
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Southern planters considered their slaves to be?

A) children who required constant supervsion

What did the planters kids do on the plantation?

they slept with the slaves and had babies.

Descendants of European planters and African slaves are called what?

Descendants of European planters and African slaves are often referred to as Creoles in some regions such as the Caribbean and Louisiana.

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What did the white planters in the South sometimes oppose Baptist preaching?

Many slaves were Baptists, and a lot of Baptist preachers spoke out against slavery. The white planters needed those slaves to work for them, so often times the planters were opposed to Baptist preaching.

Some planters treated their slaves well because?

they understood that their financial success depended on the survival of the slaves.

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slaves were valuable property

Did planters support slavery?

Yes planters supported slavery. They did so because slaves were free labor and they needed them to work the fields.

A common calculation between planters and farmers was a planter owned?

twenty slaves.

What did rich southern planters do with their wealth?

they put it back into their plantations and bought slaves.

What did southern planters believe would weaken the system of slavery?

Southern planters believed that if slaves learned to read, it would weaken the system of slavery.

Who had political power in the southern colonies?

Rich white plantation owners and they're control of slaves and cotton.