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Either killed them or sold them as slaves

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Q: What did pirates do to their victims?
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Related questions

What were pirates famous for?

Killing, stealing, taking hostages, and sailing the sea collecting victims

Where are pirates at most of the time?

Nowadays most pirates wait onshore and use fast small boats to overtake their victims.

Did many pirates actually wear fancy pieces of clothing stolen from wealthy victims?


Did pirates actually wear fancy pieces of clothing stolen from wealthy victims?

yes they wore it

Where did the name polywog come from?

the phrase actually didnt come from pirates if that's what your thinking because pirates would call victims that as the walked the "plank" which never really exsisted.

In Pirates of the Caribbean dead mans chest who is the battle between?

In this movie, there are no non-criminals. The East India Company is run by corruption while the real pirates are Davy Jones and Co. The Pirates of the Caribbean are the victims of the schemes of both these. The battle is between all three

What are the differences between a pirate and a privateer?

Pirates tend to raid ships, which is frowned upon in the boating society. Privateers, however, perform deliveries of substances, both legal and illegal. Privateers are sometimes victims of pirates.

Did pirates wear fancy clothing that they stole from there victims?

Some of them did not all some wore rags and dirty old thing some did where fancy stuff they stole from victims some didn't. It really was just a matter of which pirate!

Who suffered at the hands of highwaymen?

Think of highwaymen as land pirates. They attacked anyone that looked like they might have something of value. And they were equally as brutal, often resorting to murder to silence the victims of their crimes.

Did many pirates actually wear fancy pieces of clothing stolen from wealth victims?

well yes actually they did i mean who wouldnt want to pass up some good free clothes

What pirates player died in a plane crash?

The New York TimesJanuary 2, 1973SAN JUAN, P. R., Jan. 1--Roberto Clemente, star outfielder for the Pittsburgh Pirates, died late last night in the crash of a cargo plane carrying relief supplies to the victims of the earthquake in Managua.

What did pirates fight over?

Think of pirates just like our modern day bandits. They would plan surprise attacks on ships in the middle of the ocean and gun them down in order to steal their cargo. They would then threaten the victims with their lives, at least until they gained whatever they were after. They fought over material goods (that didn't belong to them) and usually, once they got what they needed, would kill the ship's victims. Pirates were disrespected and feared by seamen and the citizens of towns that lived on the shores, since they would occasionally rage the city for things they needed on their journey. There was no law to stop these acts from occurring until 1982 but , unfortunately, there are still some pirates out there who, to this day, have no respect for the law and continue to fulfill their pirate duties.