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Pioneers use to make a fire with wood. Wood was very hard to find on the Oregon Trail, so pioneers mostly used Buffalo Chips (dried buffalo poop.)

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wood but wood was hard to fine so they used Buffalo cips or they business

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Q: What did pioneers use to make a fire on the Oregon Trail?
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How many pioneers used the Oregon Trail?

Well, I did the Oregon Trail For my shcool project so I know many things about it. The answer is more than 1000 people at one time went!!! Its a lot right? I thought that the Oregon Trail was a very interesting topic. Want some fun?! THen type in: The Oregon Trail game. Its sooo fun!

How did the pianeers faced the orgon trail?

It took the pioneers 3-6 months, to take each and everyone in that family to make it through the Oregon trail. Each day they had to make sure everyone was okay. The Sager family was one of the families that faced the Oregon trail. They once had no idea of how much famine (lack of food or water) they had and ate from the flour they brought.

What did pioneers buy during the Oregon trail?

The Oregon Trail was a rough trip and they carried most of the supplies they needed. There were no stores or malls to make a stop at, but vast desolate land with nothing. Every once in awhile they would get to a fort/trading post and get items they needed. Things like flour, dried beans, and other staples were bought.

How wide is the Oregon trail?

The "Oregon Trail" was not, literally, a single trail, it was any path taken to get from Missouri, Iowa or Nebraska to Oregon. It doesn't make a lot of sense to ask how wide it was, because different travelers followed slightly different routes.

What was the most important overland route for American migration to the far west?

The Oregon Trail. In 1843, a large wagon train of 1,000 people went on the journey on a path called, "The Oregon Trail" to find new land and new lives. These settlers did not know they were about to make either the best choice of their lives or the worst choice they have ever made. The Oregon trail became popular after people started to find out how many people actually made it to their destination so they started to move to. So many people had made it but not all could see what life was like at their dream home in another land. Between 1840 and 1860 The California Trail had attracted over 250,000 thousand people, but the Oregon Trail attracted well over 300,000 farmers, business men, miners and pioneers.

Why were people willing to make the Oregon trail?

dhere was land and all dat jank

How do you make fire in Oregon settler?

Build a workshop

Why were people willing to make the Oregon Trail journey?

dhere was land and all dat jank

What are some interesting facts about the transcontinental railroad?

While traveling through Wyoming, I found it interesting that in certain places along the O.T., you can still see the ruts cut into the ground by the old wagons that traveled the trail. The journey from Missouri to Oregon Territory (approximately 2000 miles) took about 6 months to complete. Between 1849 and 1853, Asiatic Cholera was the greatest killer on the Oregon Trail

What trail did the first major pioneering movement settlers use to make their way to oregon and calirfronia?


Did they celebrate Christmas on the Oregon trail?

No, they did not bring supplies to celebrate it but they did make a little bit of extra food.