What the settlers wore, depended on the weather and the development. Generally, women wore dresses, men wore pants and shirts, they wore fur and leather to keep warm.
Pacoma San Fernando And Berlin were all major cities in north carolinaa during colonial times
tobacco,grain,and corn
what kind of government does South Carolina have
patriots in colonial times wanted freedom from Britain.
Salt marsh on the coast (with sandy beaches on the barrier islands); sand hills in the middle of the state, mountains in the northern part of the state - just like modern SC. About the only real difference is that the state used to be covered by old growth hardwood forests, where nowadays logging has cut those down and replaced them with pines.
Pacoma San Fernando And Berlin were all major cities in north carolinaa during colonial times
Laughed at blacks.
being an indentured servant (Google indentured servant colonial times)
female my hole dog a s s
tobacco,grain,and corn
some of them are sweet potatoes flue cured tobacco and rice
Charles Town was in the Carolinas during colonial times. It later became Charleston, South Carolina.
Tobacco, soy beans, sweet potatoes, cotton, watermelons, corn
Yes, about as much as it does now.
In 1653, some Virginians settled in what would become North Carolina. In 1663, King Charles II issued a royal charter to eight nobles to settle the area south of Virginia. They created Carolina and included the previous settlement. However, because of internal problems, the crown took over the colony and formed North and South Carolina out of it in 1729.
what kind of government does South Carolina have