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Q: What did people do when the atomic bomb was dropped?
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Where there servivors when the atomic bomb was dropped?

Yes, there was a number of people that survived the bomb.

Where was the first atomic bomb dropped-?

The city of Hiroshima was the place where the first atomic bomb was dropped.

What plane dropped the first atomic bomb?

The Enola Gay dropped the first atomic bomb.

Where was the atomic bomb dropped Where was the atomic bomb dropped?

It was dropped by the United States by orders of President Truman over Hiroshima, Japan.

What happens when atomic bomb was dropped?

Lots of innocent people died.

What was said when the first atomic bomb was dropped?

The man who dropped the 1st atomic bomb said "BOMBS AWAY!"

What was the name of the atomic bomb dropped on Nagaski?

"fat man" was the name of the atomic bomb dropped on Nagaski. "little boy" was dropped in Hiroshima.

Sight where second atomic bomb dropped on japan?

the second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki

Where and when was the first atomic bomb dropped?

The location of the first atomic bomb which was dropped was on Hiroshima on August 6th 1945.

When was the other times the atomic bomb was used?

The atomic bomb has only been used twice, and that was against Japan during World War II. the first bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, killing over 30,000 people, and three days later, another bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, killing about 40,000 people. The Japanese surrendered the day after the 2nd bomb was dropped.

Was a atomic bomb dropped on Maine?


Where was the first atomic bomb dropped?

The first atomic bomb was gadget and was dropped at trinity site new mexico in july 1945.