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Patrick Henry and George Manson wanted the Federalists to add the first ten amendments of the Constitution.

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Q: What did patrick henry and George mason wanted to be added to the constitution-?
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What document did the constitution lack thst many states wanted added before they argued to ratify?

The Constitution lacked a Bill of Rights. It was added later.

What document of writing is the bill of rights found in?

It was attached to the US Constitution. VA and NY wanted Bill of Rights added to the Constitution for they could ratify it.

Why is the a Bill of Rights added to the constitution?

Because ,Many states wouldn't sign the Constitution without a bill of rights.The writers of the Constitution wanted to protect people's rights and freedoms.Many people believed it was needed to limit the power of the national government.

How did the federalists contribute to shaping the U.S. as we know it today?

The federalists were supporters of the Constitution and wanted to make it official- but the anti Feds wanted more protection of their individual rights so they wanted a Bill of Rights added- and so they compromised and they added a bill of rights to the constitution. These rights now protect all Americans and their basic librerties. :) ur welcome

Why was the bill of rights added to the constitution prior to the radification?

Some states or people (like Virginia's Patrick Henry) thought that the Constitution did not adequately protect individual citizens' rights. Therefore, a Bill of Rights was added so more states would ratify the Constitution, and the American people were afforded more protection than with the Constitution alone. The Bill of Rights added a significant number of rights and privileges not given to citizens under the Constitution alone.

Related questions

What three virginians opposed the Constitution?

Patrick Henry and George Mason refused to ratify the Constitution unless a Bill of Rights was added. James Madison concurred that a Bill of Rights should be added. When this was certain to occur, these three Virginians voted for ratification, and Virginia became the 10th state to do so.

What did the Virginia and New York want added to the constitution?

They both wanted the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution.:D

What did george mason demand be added to the constitution?


Who was president when the bill of rights was added to the constitution?

George Washington

What document did the constitution lack thst many states wanted added before they argued to ratify?

The Constitution lacked a Bill of Rights. It was added later.

Why is the bill of right added to the Constitution?

It was added to please the anti-federalists who wanted secure individual rights.

What document of writing is the bill of rights found in?

It was attached to the US Constitution. VA and NY wanted Bill of Rights added to the Constitution for they could ratify it.

What events or law brought about the creation of the amendments?

Some of the framers of the Constitution wanted a section added to the Constitution to spell out the rights of the people. It was decided that the constitution would be sent to the states for ratification, and as soon as ratified, the Bill of Rights would be added to the Constitution.

Who were the 'Antifederalists'?

George Mason and Patrick Henry were 2 of the main ones. (Patrick Henry was the main leader). Thomas Jefferson and Elbridge Gerry were also antifederalists.

Why is the a Bill of Rights added to the constitution?

Because ,Many states wouldn't sign the Constitution without a bill of rights.The writers of the Constitution wanted to protect people's rights and freedoms.Many people believed it was needed to limit the power of the national government.

What words did the opponets demand to be added to the constitution?

Patrick Henry demanded that the Constitution have a Bill of Rights before Virginia approve it. James Madison assured him they would be added in the form of amendments. With that, Virginia adopted the Constitution. James Madison and John Adams designed the Bill of Rights which are the first 10 amendments to the constitution.

What was added to the U.S. Constitution to get the approval of more people?

The Bill of Rights was added, but it wasn't for the approval of the population since they had no say. It was for the delegates who wanted it.