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Q: What did napoleon do to try to keep his treaty a secret?
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She would try to keep it personal.. Im an actress and its always an actor to keep their agency secret. Thanks :)

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dont try never hold a big secret for your parents

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No, mermaids are not real. People make up stories about them for entertainment and enjoyment

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Because the government didn't want to have an Australian wide worry.

In love with your best friend?

Its all up to you and what you would like to do. Keep it a secret or tell them. If you tell them it could end up really bad or really good. If you keep it a secret try to get over them by liking another person. that will get you over them.

Why does napoleon try to have boxer killed?

because he wants to...

Why are whistle-blowers gang stalked and harassed by the government?

Because there is a secret government within the government that is sectret and they want to keep it secret and no one knows why they keep it secret or try to stop them from keeping it a secret because those who know why it is a secret keep it a secret. Something like that....anyhoos, they are willing to go to great lengths to keep their secret from citizens because if their secret is blown all hell will break loose and us good ol "we the people" might kick their evil-doing, egotistical, psychotic, unamerican, unpatriotic, freedom takin, liberty squandering, asses out and get some real results. Or I could have given you the short answer....whistleblowers are targeted because evil runs our system and they want to keep it that way. Evil never that on the highest authority.