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Q: What did myths and stories about the gods help explain to the ancient Egyptians?
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How does myths and stories help us learn about ancient egyptians life?

by helping you be more curious

What are stories that explain beliefs?

Fables, myths, and legends are types of stories that often explain cultural beliefs, moral values, and societal norms through characters and events that hold symbolic meaning. These stories are passed down through generations and help to shape a society's understanding of the world.

what stories that explain beliefs?


A sentence with myths?

Myths are used to explain the unexplainable and tell stories.

What were the ancient stories and legends called?


Why did Egyptians believe in myths?

The ancient Egyptians believed in "myths" because they were a part of their religion.

Why did the ancient create myths?

The ancient Greeks created myths because to explain the gods' actions.

What were stories that explain natural phenomena called before they were renamed pourquoi stories?

myths or orgin myths[Native Americans]

What did the myths attempt to explain?

What they explain is it teaches you life lessons for the future so half of the ancient greek myths are false.

Why did the ancient Greeks create the myths?

The ancient Greeks created myths because to explain the gods' actions.

Why do we still believe in mythology?

Myths are stories we do not believe in (any longer). Stories we do believe are not considered myths. The Greek myths were the religion of the ancient Greeks. It has been supplanted by Christianity.

Were did mermaid come from?

Much of the myths come from the ancient Celts.