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Most of the Egyptians traded and farmed for living. Nile River was a big help, since it was the main transportation, and it made the soils in Egypt rich. In order to be a nobility, they needed to get education, but most of the Egyptians weren't able to afford this. I hope this helped;

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11y ago
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13y ago

Most people in ancient Egypt were farmers, labourers, workmen, craftsmen, and peasants. A majority of the population of Egypt worked in agriculture and production (the primary and secondary setor). These people were quite poor and lived in small houses.

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11y ago

Most egyptians made a living through farming and serving the pharaoh.

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13y ago


A better answer might be "the sun."

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12y ago

Most ancient Egyptians made a living as peasant farmers working on the land.

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3y ago

they ate animal p00 :)

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10y ago

Farming in the the Valley.

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13y ago

Farming and agriculture.

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Q: What did most ancient Egyptians do for a living?
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