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Yes he faced discriminization, as you can see he was black. Back in those days most of the black people faced discriminization. Martin Luther King Jr. was a non-violent protester. Two other people that faced discrimination was Gandhi and Nelson Mandela. All three of these people faced discriminization but were very amazing people.

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10y ago

This great and inspirational leader dreamed against all odds that every person in America would have equal opportunity to good jobs and education. His Civil Rights Movement, at great cost, succeeded in this quest for equality before the law. Now it's up to YOU to fulfil that dream by expending the effort required to make use of these hard-won freedoms and rights. Having the right is one thing; making use of it is another. So why not try harder to dig for these answers yourself? The hard-fought legacy of King and many others deserves as much!


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7y ago

He grew up a African American in the south. All African Americans were discriminated against with Jim Crow laws and in all parts of the segregated society. I remember once he stated that his children couldn't swim in the public pool because they were African Americans.

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12y ago

yes, he was shot for preaching equal rights.

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12y ago

Someone killed him. I think that's a problem. lol :-D

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Q: What did martin Luther king do about discrimination?
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