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Around October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses to the church door in Wittenburg, Germany. In those days, it was common practice to nail (or tack, more likely) public documents to the church door for all to see. Shortly after Luther nailed that document to the church doors, several printers took it, translated it into German (it was originally written in Latin for only the church officers to be able to read), printed and distributed a great number of copies. It was thus circulated around Germany, and sent to the pope.

By tradition, Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses to the door of All Saints' Church in Wittenberg on 31 October 1517. It is likely that this is merely folklore based on an account by Philipp Melanchthon who was not even in Wittenberg at the time.

Whether or not they were actually nailed to the door of the church as an invitation for discussion, the Latin Theseswere printed in several locations in Germany in 1517 and subsequently translated into German in January 1518.

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Martin Luther helped start â??The Reformationâ?? when he nailed his â??Ninety-Five Thesesâ?? to the door of the church in Wittenberg. The â??Ninety-Five Thesesâ?? discussed such subjects as baptism and absolution.

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Q: What did martin Luther help start when he nailed his 95 theses to the door of the church in wittenberg?
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Who nailed a list of complaints on the door of the church in Wittenberg?

Martin Luther

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He didn't nail anyone to Wittenberg church. However, he nailed a paper he wrote called the "99 Theses" to the church.

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Martin Luther Supposedly nailed his 95 thesis to the Church door in Wittenberg Germany

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During the time Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the church, he was living in Wittenberg Germany, which is about 112 km south-east of Berlin.

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1517 was when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Thesis to the door of the Wittenberg church, which is seen as the beginning of what is termed Protestantism.h

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31 October 1517, when he nailed his "95 Theses" to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, criticising certain practices of the Roman Catholic Church.

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The Ninety-Five Theses was the document in which Luther explained ninety-five corruptions in the Roman Catholic Church, which was nailed by him into the door of the church in Wittenberg, Germany.

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Martin Luther (NOT King!) wrote his 95 theses against indulgences and other church abuses, and nailed them on the door of the Castle church in Wittenberg, Germany in 1517.

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1517 was the year that Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the Castle Church door in Wittenberg. You may read them at the link below.

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The big split is typically considered as happening on Oct 31, 1517 when Martin Luther (not Martin Luther King Jr. who was named after him) nailed his 95 theses (questions and statements) to a church door for public consideration in Wittenberg, Germany.

Who nailed the list of protest to the doors of the Church of Wittenberg?

Martin Luther is credited with nailing the Ninety-Five Theses to the doors of the Castle Church in Wittenberg in 1517. This act is seen as the spark that ignited the Protestant Reformation. In his theses, Luther criticized the Catholic Church's practice of selling indulgences, which led to widespread debate and eventually led to a major split within Western Christianity.