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Q: What did majority of Americans do on the eve of the attack on pearl harbor?
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Related questions

How is the attack on Pearl Harbor Historical Fiction?

No, Pearl Harbor was how the Americans got into WWII.

Why did they have to attack Pearl Harbor?

The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor was to take the American Carriers out of the war to make the Americans vulnerable to attack.

Who guarded the pearl harbor at the time of the attack?


What did Americans destroy the attack of Pearl Harbor?

Americans did not destroy anything in Pearl Harbor, aside from Japanese aircraft in self-defense. The USA was the victim of the Pearl Harbor attacks.

How did the Japanese attack the Americans in Pearl Harbor?

They flew in and bombed them

Where were Japanese Americans sent after pearl harbor attack?


Did the Americans know Japan was planning to attack Pearl Harbor?

it was an unexpected suprise attack

What event brought US into World war two?

The Japanese attack on the US Fleet at Pearl Harbor.

What are facts Pearl Harbor?

jav said pearl harbor was bad they do nimu nimu also they do mucha attack 1: The Americans spell it "harbor".

What event which pushed Americans fully into World War 2 occurred on December 7th 1941?

That was the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.

Which country made the Americans the angriest?

Japan's sneak attack on Pearl Harbor…

How did Japanese Americans suffer after japan's attack on pearl harbor?

It cannot be described.