

What did loyalists trade?

Updated: 11/24/2022
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Q: What did loyalists trade?
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Those who remained loyal to Britain were known as loyalists, or United Empire Loyalists.

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The people there wanted to remain loyalists, I think that could be one reason.

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Loyalists remained loyal (hence their name) to the Crown.

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They were also called Torys.

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They were called loyalists.

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Commonly referred to as Loyalists or "Tories".

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The loyalists ancestors do this to celebrate the loyalists

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They are called loyalists for a reason. They were loyal to the king.

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Loyalists were people who were loyal to the King and didn't find a reason to fight for independence. 20% of colonists were loyalists. Their nicknames were tories, royalists, and king's men. Some loyalists were killed by patriots.

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