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Q: What did livingston set out to purchase?
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American minster to France during Louisiana purchase?

Robert Livingston

Negotiator who arranged the purchase of the Louisiana territory?

Thomas Jefferson arranged the purchase of the Louisiana territory. However, it was James Monroe and Robert R. Livingston that actually went to Paris to make the purchase.

Who did Napoleon work out the Louisiana purchase with?

Robert Livingston.

Who was the American ambassador who helped arrange the Louisiana purchase?

Our third president, Thomas Jefferson.

Was Robert Livingston President at all?

No- Livingston was never president. He was the minister to France that negotiated the Louisiana Purchase. He served on the committee that drafted the Declaration of Independence.

With which country did Jefferson negotiate the Louisiana Purchase?

Jefferson sent Livingston and Monroe to negotiate the Louisiana Purchase with France.

How did Robert Livingston contributed to Louisiana?

Robert Livingston was an American lawyer from New York. He is known as one of the founding fathers of the country. Livingston is well known as contributing his time and energy to the negotiation of the Louisiana Purchase.

What two men were responsible for arranging the purchase of the Louisiana Territory?

Pesident Thomas Jefferson and Napoleon Bonapart of France.

Who were Monroe and livingston?

James Monroe and Robert R. Livingston were both Founding Fathers of the United States. They went to Paris together in 1802 to negotiate the purchase of New Orleans.

Which two famous Americans helped neotiate the Louisiana Purchase?

James Monroe and Robert Livingston.

How did James Monroe and Robert Livingston affect Jefferson's presidency?

They arranged the purchase The Louisiana Territory.

Who is Jacques Livingston?

Sarah livingston was the widowed wife of Henry livingston!!Cassie Livingston goes by Cassidy Livingston