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it means that you had some kind of health condition that needed to be checked out more extensively by a doctor.

for example:

"X" on your clothing would mean that you had a suspected mental illness

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Q: What did it mean if a doctor put a chalk mark on you when you arrived at Ellis Island?
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What happen to the immigrants if they were marked on there shoulder with chalk Ellis island?

the doctors wanted to know if the immigrants had mental problems. the immigrants had mental prblems.

Why did the doctors on Ellis Island put chalk marks on the sick immigrants?

so they cuold be identified and checked out later again. this ensured that no foreign disses wich Americans may have no immunety to were not introduced to the populace

Can thyroid patients eat chalk Is it favoured?

This sounds like pica - you should talk to your doctor about odd cravings. No chalk is not flavored.

What letters did the Ellis Island Doctors mark on immigrants' backs mean?

The chalk marks meant many different things. They would mark you if you were mentally ill, you had trachoma, and many other signs if illness were marked.

Is eating chalk harmful to a one year old?

It could be quite harmful but it depends on how much chalk they ate. I suggest taking them to the doctor just to check that everything is ok.

What are Ellis Island chalk mark meanings?

B - BackC - ConjunctivitisCT - TrachomaE - EyesF - FaceFT - FeetG - GoiterH - HeartK - HerniaL - LamenessN - NeckP - Physical and LungsPG - PregnancyS - SenilitySC - Scalp (Favus)SI - Special InquiryX - Suspected Mental defectX (circled) - Definite signs of Mental defect

What year was England founded?

Hard to tell. Early bands of hunters may have crossed the sea to the island now known as Great Britain. Later, in about 4,000 BC, stone cutters arrived to mine the great chalk deposits that could even be seen from what is now France. The next group to arrive were the Celts (Kelts) who arrived in groups from about 500 BC to 100 BC.

How do you get chalk out of your colon?

Well, this is a very strange question. Might I ask how you got chalk in your colon in the first place??? Anyways, there are many colon cleansers out there that should do the trick. And if not, make yourself a doctor's appointment and your doctor will be able to figure something out. Hope you get that taken care of.

What should you do if your toddler just ate a piece of chalk?

call a doctor for that one. ========================= School Chalk is in fact gypsum and non toxic, it should not hurt your child provided it has not got stuck in the throat.

What is wrong if you cannot stop eating chalk?

Well, there is a disorder called Pica, which results in the uncontrollable desire to eat non-food substances, such as chalk or dirt, Pica is commonly caused by a mineral deficiency, but you should see a doctor about this chalk ingestion issue, as it could be more serious.

What were the letter marks put on immigrants with sicknesses?

All the immigrants were first taken to Ellis Island. The immigration station was a group of 12 building by the shore of New York City. Some of the buildings there were a receiving station, a hospital, a record storage office, and a kitchen building. The station opened in 1892 to process many of the Europeans who were entering the country. When they first arrived they all were checked by a medical examiners. They looked for any signs of illness. They looked for skin rashes, coughing or limping, that might show signs of sickness or weakness because they did not want them spreading diseases to Americans. Many of them who were sick were not allowed to enter New York City, the doctors would mark their coats with chalk if they failed the exam. Many of the sick immigrants were taken to the hospital on Ellis Island and were treated if the did not recover in a matter of months many of them were sent back to their homeland.

What is it called when you eat chalk?

Eating chalk is a form of pica, which is an eating disorder characterized by the consumption of non-food items. It can lead to health complications due to the ingestion of substances that are not meant to be eaten. If you or someone you know is eating chalk or other non-food items, it's important to seek medical help.