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Q: What did indians teach janestown settlers to grow?
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What did the American Indians teach the europeans settlers?

they taught them how to grow corn well by putting a dead fish on the soil for fertilizer.

What did the European settlers rely on the native Americans to teach them?

The American Indians taught European settlers how to plant and grow corn, beans and squash. Also, how to recognize toxic berries and plants.

What did the Indians and settlers learn from each other?

The Indians and the English were allies (friends) and they learned many things. Such as, the Indians taught them how they can grow crops for medicine and how to grow tobacco. The Settlers taught them about hunting with guns and using horses.There's your answer!!!

What did Indians grow?

All with the exception of wheat & tomato's (those were introduced by settlers).

How was San Juan capistrano used today?

The indians "Juanenous" teach and grow crops. :)

What did American Indians not teach the European colonists?

How to grow crop. How to grow crop. how to raisehorses right answer i got a 100 on test for this

How have Indians contributed to the world?

Taught settlers to bury fish and grow corn. And invited them to Thanksgiving dinner.

What crops did Indians Grow?

All with the exception of wheat & tomato's (those were introduced by settlers).

What vegetables did the Indians teach the pilgrims to grow?

Tomatoes were considered poisonous.

What did the Natives teach the early explorers?

When the James towncolony was built the Indians show the people how to grow corn and hunt animals.

Who brought corn to the first Thanksgiving?

The Indians. The pilgrims were having trouble growing corn, so they went peace making with the Indians so that they would teach them how to grow it right.

How did Indians help the new europeans settlers?

They introduced agriculture to the Europeans. They showed them how to grow corn, potatoes, pineapples, tomatoes, tobacco, beans, vanilla, and chocolate.