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they taxed everyone because the french and indian war cost so much

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Q: What did great Britain tried to tax the colonies with?
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Did british imperial policies change after 1793?

Yes. Great Britain's imperial policy taxed the American Colonies with unrepresented taxes such as: the Salt tax, the Sugar Tax, a tax on imported goods, and so forth. The colonies didn't like that at all, and rebelled and boycotted, and formed groups such as the Sons of Liberty and Daughters of Liberty, who tried to convince Great Britain to stop taxing them. Eventually, it worked, and and Great Britain stopped most of these taxes

What did great Britain's decision to tax the American colonies on imported goods cause the colonists to do?

write the declaration of independence and separate from great Britain.

Britan had the right to tax the colonies?

No. Britain didn't have the right to tax the colonies

Was the citizens in Britain paying taxes in an effort to pay off the French and Indian War debts?

No. The British tried to tax the colonies with the "intolerable Acts"

Why did Britain tax the colonies and what was there reaction?

They tax the colonies because they were in debt for sending their troops to protect the western lands.

Why did Britain begin to heavily tax the colonies?


Why did Britain's government tax colonies?

to make more money

What rights did the Declaratory Act give Great Britain over the colonies?

The Declaratory Act of 1766 stated that Parliament had the right to tax and make decisions for the British colonies "in all cases". ;) L.M.A

Why did Britain begin taxting or trying to tax the colonies?

to raise money

The purpose of British Declaratory act of 1766?

the declaratory act declared that briten had the right to tax the colonies.

Why didn't the colonies like being taxed?

Taxes were placed on almost anything resource or supply that did not come from Britain. When the colonies wanted to trade with other countries Britain made sure to charge a tax so it might make them trade back with Britain as it would be cheaper. This simply infringed on what they believed in.

What did virtual representation mean for the colonies?

Virtual representation was a scapegoat to let Parliament tax the colonies even though the colonies couldn't elect members for Parliament. It meant Britain could tax the colonies without colonial representation.