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Q: What did great Britain do that led president Madison to declare war in 1812?
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What justified President Madison to declare war on Great Britain?

he asked congress to declare war because he thought that what can it hurt

In the Spring of 1812 President Madison asked Congress to declare war on who?

In the spring of 1812 president Madison asked congress to declare war on Great Britain. The war lasted almost two years with the United States being victorious.

How did James Madison respond to great Britain's seizure of American ships and encouragement of native American attacks on settlers?

These were two of the reasons that Madison asked Congress to declare war om Britain.

Was Great Britain in any wars?

yes between the united states when James Madison was president.

Why should Britain declare independence?

Great Britain is independent and has no need to declare independence.

Did James Madison lead the Revolutionary War?

James Madison was President in the war of 1812.

Who was the first president to take the nation into declared war?

Only Congress can declare war. Presidents can ask Congress to declare war . The presidents who made such a request and had it granted were James Madison (against Great Britain), James Polk (against Mexico), William McKinley(against Spain), Woodrow Wilson (against Germany and allies) and Franklin Roosevelt (against Japan and allies)

From what country did America declare itself independent?

Great Britain on the 4th of July 1776.

What did the Declaration of Independence declare independence from?

Great Britain.

President Madison reapplied the non-intercourse policy to Great Britain because?

He mistakenly believed that France was no longer sezing American ships.

Why did you declare war on Germany and not Great Britain?

Great Britain and the United States were allies to defeat Germany so the US would not attack Great Britain.

Why did Spain declare war on great Britain?

They wanted food