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Q: What did ferdinand and isabella see as advantages to funding columbus's trip?
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Who financed Christopher Columbus's expedition?

the funding came from Queen Isabella and king Ferdinand of Spain

Who finally gave Columbus the funding?

The King and Queen of Spain: King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.

Who sponsored and funded Christopher Columbus' voyages?

Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain. There was also funding from several groups in Italy. (Italy was not a unified country at the time.)

Who commissioned them to explore or were they there self founded?

He did some self-funded exploration and also received funding and support from the Spanish monarchy, primarily from Queen Isabella I and King Ferdinand II.

What was Catherine of Aragons parents names?

Catherine of Aragon's parents were King Ferdinand II of Aragon and Queen Isabella I of Castile, this couple were particularly famous for funding Christopher Columbous' journey to the 'new world.'(America)

Who financed columbus's 1942 voyage?

It is thought that King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain funded this voyage. That is only partially true. They were barely able to supply about half of the funding. The rest was given by private Italian investors.

Who financed Columbus 1942 voyage?

It is thought that King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain funded this voyage. That is only partially true. They were barely able to supply about half of the funding. The rest was given by private Italian investors.

Why did the king and queen of Spain send christopher Columbus?

King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella sponsored Columbus because Columbus told them that if they gave him the money to find another trade route to India he would spread Catholicism in India (king and queen of Spain were Catholic)

What are the advantages and disadvantages of federal funding of presidential-campaign?

im not sure

What did Columbus promise to do for Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain when they agreed to fund his voyages?

Columbus promised to find a route to China and India from the West, but ended up discovering America instead.

Who laid the groundwork for the era of exploration?

The groundwork for the era of exploration was laid by several factors, including advances in shipbuilding technology, increased demand for trade routes to Asia, and the desire to spread Christianity. Additionally, the patronage of rulers and monarchs, such as Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain, played a significant role in funding and supporting exploratory expeditions.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of external equity?

One of the advantages of external funding is it allows you to use internal financial resources for other purposes..