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they put the mummy in then they put food, plates ,chairs and all the every day things they would need in the afterlife

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Q: What did eygptions put in mummy's tombs?
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Why did they put pharaohs into tombs?

Egyptians put pharaohs in tombs for the purpose of sending them into the afterlife with a lot of their property.

What kind of jobs can you get on Sims 3 world adventures?

jobs? none, but you can travel to 3 different locations, explore tombs and see mummys, and find treasures... its awesome, but sorry no jobs :(

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You can put it in it's own cage!

Were tombs built for dead people to be put as a gateway to the underworld?

No they put them in the tombs so they could go into the afterlife

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Ancient Egyptians put round pieces of slate in their mummys' mouths.

What did the ancient egyptians use there pyrmids for?

To put the tombs in and in the tombs there are dead mummified people.

Who lives by the nile?

The fu**ing eygptions

What did Egyptian pharaohs put in tombs?

to preserve them

What is buried under the pyramids?

There is no evidence to suggest that anything specific is buried under the pyramids. The pyramids were designed as tombs for Pharaohs and contained their sarcophagi, treasures, and belongings to accompany them into the afterlife. Excavations around the pyramids have uncovered tombs, temples, and evidence of ancient Egyptian life.

What is the historical importance of these Egyptian tombs?

Tombs are the most important for the afterlife. The put the person's favorite things in iy

What did they put in tombs?

Coffins filled with bodies probably