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Just about everything one could imagine except for positions that are normally thought of as powerful and respectable. They worked the fields, plowed planted and chopped cotton, took care of the vegetable gardens, grainery, etc. Did all the domestic work in the home including cooking, caring for children and serving all the family. Also,caring for the plantation owner's wife if she became ill.Took care of livestock, chopped wood, carried water, did the butchering of animals, and so on and so on.

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13y ago

answer #1) mostly picking and prossesing cotton but they also helped look after small children and served as maides.

answer #2) Slaves who worked on plantations were involved in farming. They mostly picked cotton in order for the North to create a mass production at the time of the Industrial Revolution and a lot of technical advances such as machinery were being built. The slaves had to endure hard labor for hours a day, farming in the sun and hot weather, with clothes that would have to last them for years due to the fact that they were only provided with a limited about of clothing in a time period.

answer #3) Slaves as you may know did not have any rights so they had owners and whatever the owners wanted or wanted them to do the slaves did. If the owner wanted a foot rub then the slaves would give it to them. If the owner wanted a nice feast. The slaves would have to give them a huge feast and if the slaves did not do a good job or come to the owner's satisfactory. The slaves could be wipped, electricuted, hung, or stabbed to death. Any way was a bad choice.

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11y ago

Planter is another name for Plantation Owner. The Plantation Owner, owned Slaves.

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16y ago

enslaved africans had to clean cotton and if not done right they would face harsh punishments such as beatings.

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Q: What did enslaved Africans do on the plantations?
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The greatest number of enslaved Africans ended up in the Caribbean and Brazil during the transatlantic slave trade. These regions were major destinations for enslaved Africans due to the demand for labor in plantations.

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The enslaved Africans were forced here because the planters needed them to work on the plantations and make them rich.

Why do you think so many Plantation owners turned to enslaved Africans as a labor force?

Plantation owners turned to enslaved Africans as a labor force due to their need for cheap and abundant labor to work on the large plantations. Enslaved Africans were seen as a profitable and easily controlled source of labor that could be exploited for economic gain. The transatlantic slave trade provided a constant supply of enslaved people to meet the labor demands of the plantations.

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Southern planters chose to use enslaved Africans on their plantations because they provided a cheap and abundant source of labor. Enslaved Africans were perceived as being able to withstand the harsh conditions of plantation work, and owning slaves was seen as a sign of social status and wealth in the antebellum South. Additionally, the transatlantic slave trade made it relatively easy for planters to acquire enslaved laborers.