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Q: What did christopher Columbus name the people living in the new world?
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Christopher Columbus converged with three people?

Three groups of people converged when Christopher Columbus came to the New World: Indians, Africans, and Europeans

Who did Queen Isabella help?

She sponsored Christopher Columbus' trip to the new world. She sponsored other people too but Christopher Columbus was the most successful.

What explorer's request to sail the new world did Portugal deny?

Christopher Columbus

What did christopher Columbus believe that caused people to make fun of him?

that the new world is real

Who explored the world?

Christopher Columbus

Is Christopher Columbus from Sapin?

No, but that is where he found royal people willing to be his Patron for the New World expiditions

Did Indians live in north and south America before Christopher Columbus?

Yes, when Christopher Columbus arrived on the shores of the new world, both North and South America were inhabited by indigenous people.

Who was affected by Christopher Columbus?

Europeans, Asians, Africans, India's Indians, and the people of North, Central, and South America were all affected by the discovery of "The New World" by Christopher Columbus, et al.

Why did discovering a new world make christopher Columbus famous?

A lot of people were on the land but didn't know what it was , but Columbus came and discovered it was America .

Christopher Columbus travels round the world?


What did Christopher Columbus do to change the world?


Who sent christopher Columbus to the new world jn what year?

Christopher Columbus convinced the King and Queen of Spain to finance his voyage to the New World.