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A little of everything. One of the things they used children for in the woolen mills was to clean out from under the big machines that spun the cloth. Children were small so they could get under the wheels and clean the lint. If the lint wasn't cleaned it could cause a fire. The big problem with that is that they never stopped the machines so the children would get caught in the machine and killed doing the work. Children were worked 14 or more hours a day and could be as young as 5 years old. They had no breaks and were given no meal times. Some factories locked their workers into the factory during the shifts. That happened in NYC with a factory that made shirts and the people making and sewing the shirts were killed when a fire started and they couldn't get out because the doors were locked. Many of people who died that day were little girls working there. In many places in the world children are still worked the same way they were 90 years ago here. Factories who make our basketballs, dolls, shoes, and other things are full of child workers.

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14y ago

In a factory Victorian children could do many jobs. Some had to repair machinery or put belts back on the wheel, in cotton mills children could have to repair broken threads. These jobs often had to be done while the machinery was moving. Children very rarely operated the machines in factories.

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Q: What did children do in factories in the Industrial Revolution?
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Who were the apprentices in the factories in the Industrial Revolution?

children who were orphans who worked just for the factories food shelter and clothes.

How many children were in a factory during the Industrial Revolution?

Many children worked in many different factories.

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What kind of work did children do in factories during the industrial revolution?

They ran the machines, the smaller children had to climb to operate their machine

How much were children working in factories paid during the Industrial Revolution?

one shilling per week.

What child laws passed during the industrial revolution?

Children could not work in factories under the age of nine:)

Why were factories invented?

Because of the industrial revolution.

In the Industrial Revolution in factories who worked more women children or men?

children because that is who they could afford. children would work for less that women and men

How many children were employed in the US during the industrial revolution?

The answer regarding the number of children working in factories in the US during the industrial revolution cannot be substantiated at all. No one was taking count, and workers were able to leave factories and work on farms.

How did the industrial revolution affect women and children?

The Industrial Revolution led to large numbers of women and children working in factories. They often performed dangerous work for low pay, as did adult male factory workers.

Was the guillotine made in the Industrial Revolution?

The guillotine wasn't in the industrial revolution ( that is when machines took over jobs and factories started) it was in the French Revolution .

How did Industrial Revolution affects people's lives?

It made it safer to work in factories, more factories were created, it is against the law to force children into work, and machines have replaced human jobs.