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Q: What did ancient Persians or Iranians call themselves?
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Are the Persians alive?

Today they call themselves Iranians.

Do Pakistanis call themselves Persians?

Yes Pakistanis are called as Persians.

Why do Pakistanis call themselves Persians?

All the Iranians are going to explain the history of Persia leading up to the current date and claim that Persian and Iranian are interchangeable. To a certain extent this is true. But the real truth that no one wants to admit to (or simply are unaware of because their parents didn't educate them) is that they had no problem claiming themselves as Iranians until the 70's and 80's when the U.S. and Iran went sour with their relations. The U.S. media depicted images of people in Iran shouting anti-American curses, wishing death upon all US presidents, etc. They attacked the U.S. embassy, and if I'm not mistaken, Iranians carried out terrorist attacks. Obviously the Americans weren't getting the best image of Iranians, and hence it wasn't a comfortable thing to proclaim their national background. They then dropped the term and since then have been calling themselves Persians.

Why are Hindus Hindus?

Hindus don't call themselves Hindus. They call themselves "Santana Dharma". The titles "Hindu" and "Hinduism", were first used by the Persians, because they were on the opposite side of the Indus river.

What did the rulers of ancient Egypt call themselves?

they were called pharoahs

Why do Pakistani people call themselves Persians?

Pakistan is within the borders of the Persian empire though Persia was originally in Iran.

What do Iranians call there money?

Iranian rial

What do iranians call their leaders?

during WWI they called them shahs

What do ou call irans?

The people from Iran are called Iranians.

What did the Persians call the ancient Macedonians in the 5th Century BC?

Yauna Takabara - Greeks with sunhats (A reference to the distinct flat sun hat worn by the Macedonians).

What did the Persians call themself?


What do you call the people living in Iran?

Iranians or Persians. Note: Iranian is a national term, that is to say what passport a person holds would be Iranian. Persian is an ethnic term and refers to the dominant ethnicity in Iran. (The equivalent in the United States would be American and White respectively.) There are numerous Iranians who are not Persians such as the Azeri, the Awaji Arabs, the Turcomans, the Qashqai and others. (The United States equivalent would be African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Asian-Americans, etc.)