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Q: What did ancient Greeks knew of all the following planets EXCEPT?
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Why did the ancient Greeks name planets gods?

I think the Romans named the planets after their gods.

Why do the texts of ancient Greeks mention the planets but the ancient Hebrews do not?

The Ancient Hebrews were not concerned with astrology. They were more focused on ethics.Answer:The question is wrong. The planets are enumerated in the Talmud (Shabbat 156a), in a text which goes back at least as far as the Greeks.

Why did the ancient Greeks refer to the planets as wanders?

The ancient Greeks referred to the planets as "wanderers" (which is the literal meaning of "planet", in fact) as a result of what they directly observed in the sky. The planets appeared to their observation to wander -- or, travel -- across the sky each night, and on varying paths during the course of each year.

Which planets were visible to the human eye in the ancient time?

In ancient times, the five planets visible to the naked eye were Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. These planets were observed and recorded by ancient civilizations such as the Babylonians and Greeks.

What did ancient Greeks belevied in monotheism or polytheism?

The Greeks were polytheistic. They had many gods, including the gods that the planets (including Pluto) other than Earth were named after.

Were the ancient Greeks and Romans familiar with the nine planets in your solar system?

They were not, I had an assignment with this question, put true and it was wrong.

How did ancient Greeks distinguish planets from stars?

Question: did Greeks distinguish planets from stars? Answer: Greeks distinguished planets from stars by studying them for a while and they just so happen to be really smart people. No offence to any other races , seriously because I'm not even Greek. i hope that helped

Did the ancient Greeks create poetry?

Yes, ancient Greeks did.

What did the ancient Greeks draw with?

Did ancient Greeks drw for there communtion

Were ancient Greeks Roman cathic?

No, the ancient Greeks were pantheistic. they worshiped many gods and goddesses.

What did Greeks and Romans name planets after?

They named the planets after their gods.

Who made running as an Olympic sport?

The Ancient Greeks The Ancient Greeks ancient geeks