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they made clay pots whos this who asked this cuz i got this question on mii guided reading sheet hehe<<<<Is302>> hit me up on meez starbella14 =]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

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Q: What did ancient Egyptians make using mud from the Nile?
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What did ancient Egyptians make using mud for the Nile?

they made clay pots mostly

WHAT did the ancient Egyptians make their eyeshadow out of?

ancient egyptians made eyeshadow out of malachite a minnaral found in the nile. the malachite was a green minnaral.

Why did Nile make farming easy for ancient egyptians?

It flooded every year.

How did ancient Egypt make shampoo?

Lol, um, I don't think ancient Egyptians used shampoo. They just washed they're hair in the Nile. (Which was infested by crocodiles)

What did the egyptians do to make sure that the nile flooded?

The Nile flooded of it's own accord.

Why was the Nile River such a good place for settlement?

Like the Ancient Egyptians the nile river helped them thrive by Producing farmland. between the months of july-october the nile river floods and people after that make farmland over the wet soil and produce crops.

Why is the nile river so important to egiptains?

The effect of the Nile riverThe Nile river is important to the Ancient Egyptians because it kept them alive & developed their knowledge. They depended on it for food, water, transportation and much more. They even thought of it as a kind of god. It flooded once every year, creating fertile soil for growing crops.The usefulness of the Nile riverThe Nile rivers is important to the ancient Egyptians because it kept them, alive & it gave the Egyptian water to drink. It is also grew the material made to make papyrus. Another way that the Nile is useful is that it floods usually, this helps them because then it can fertilize the Egyptians crops

Which reed plant from the Nile was used by the Egyptians to make paper?


Why did the ancient egyptians call the land kemet?

The Nile would flood every year leaving dark soil, therefore they called it Kemet,the black land :) MAKE TODAY A SUNNY DAY!

The source of paper used by ancient egyptians?

Ancient egyptians used a plant called papyrus to make their paper.

Why do farmers rely on the river nile?

The people of Egypt used The Nile River for many different reasons.Irrigation for cropsWashingHunting (Fish)TransportationWater/HydrationFertile SoilAlso, reeds called papyrus grew along the banks of the Nile. Egyptians used the papyrus for building boats and using it as paper.

How did ancient Egyptians make weapons?
