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Columbus disagreed with most experts over how far it was from Europe to Asia going west. The experts were correct;

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Q: What did amergio Vespucci disagree with Columbus about?
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What difficulties did amergio Vespucci have?

The wind and stormson his second voyage.

Who explored the northeast caost of South America?

Amergio Vespucci

What was amergio Vespucci name after by?

Amerigo was named after America Answer from Gainesville, Va

Who was Amergio Vespucci?

An explorer that got north and south americia named after him.

What country did Amergio Vespucci represent?

Amerigo Vespucci was an Italian explorer who represented Spain during his voyages to the Americas. He is known for being one of the first to suggest that the lands he encountered were part of a new continent, which was later named America in his honor.

What was amergio Vespucci challenges?

The wind. it took him and his crew 64 days to cross the Atlantic Ocean.

What year did Vespucci prove Columbus wrong'?

Amerigo Vespucci did not necessarily "prove Columbus wrong." The discrepancy between Columbus' belief that he had reached Asia and Vespucci's realization that he had discovered a new continent led to the use of the name "America" in his honor. This occurred during the early 1500s.

Who discovered pacific ocean is it vasco da gama or Ferdinand or amergio or Columbus?

Actually, Balboa found the Pacific Ocean.

What were Vespucci's main events?

Vespucci's main events are he was named America's and he went with Columbus.

Why was Amerigo Vespucci exploreing?

Because he dicovered that Columbus was wrong. Columbus thought he found India when it was the Americas. Vespucci proved that it was a new found land

When did Vespucci prove columbus wrong?

Amerigo Vespucci did not set out to prove Columbus wrong. Instead, Vespucci's voyages to the New World led to the realization that the lands discovered were not part of Asia, as Columbus believed, but a new continent. This realization ultimately contributed to the recognition of the continent as a separate landmass named after Vespucci, America.