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All concentration camps were ruthless, they usually gave little mercy if any. The Germans would use gas chambers for quick killings and so they could kill many people at a time.

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They were a rotten place to live, full of death, disease, famine and murder at the hands of the Nazi rulers.

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Q: What did all the ghettos have in common during the holocaust?
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Who put a stop to Jewish Ghettos during the Holocaust?

The Nazis themselves 'put a stop to Jewish ghettos during the Holocaust' because they liquidated them all: in other words, the inhabitants were sent to extermination camps. The last ghetto to be liquidated was Lodz in August 1944.

What were there more of during the holocaust ghettos or camps?

Camps, by far. Ghettos held only a couple of million people, where as there were tens of millions in the camps (not all at the same time).

Who lived in the ghettos in the Holocaust?

the Jewish people did and an estimate of about 100,000 of them died well, almost all of them died before long. Some ghettos also held gypsies.

What happened when the Jews left the ghettos in the Holocaust?

The Jews were moved into the new extermination camps. That is why they lived in the ghetto. The Germans only built the ghettos because they didnt have means of the transportation to take the Jews to the camps they saw it as a way to temporarily solve the Jewish "problem". They were taken to extermination camps and killed.

What were the school rules for the Jews during the Holocaust?

During the actual Holocaust Jews were not supposed to go to school at all.

What did they do with all the bodies during the holocaust?

they burned them.

How did the Nazis capture all the Jews in the Holocaust?

They catch all Jews some were lucky to escpe. they were to wear stars of david. when they were seen they were mistreated and soon sent to ghettos to make finding them much easier

Where were Jews murdered during the Holocaust?

All over

How was the economy during the Holocaust?

Terrible. The Great Depression was happening during the Holocaust. ___ No. The economies of most countries were booming at the time. After all, there was a major war going on ...

During the holocaust did the Jews have different rights to the others?

In the Holocaust the Jews had no rights at all. They didn't even have the right to exist.

What is the difference between a transit camp and a ghetto during the Holocaust?

When Hitler gained he enforced strict laws on Jews that just kept getting harsher and harsher. Ghettos were usally a sectioned of area in a major city suronded by barbed wire fences and gaurded by Nazis. Ghettos were the place were all the Jews and other undesireables being persecuted by Hitler were sent. These places were impoverished and filthy. People lived and worked in the ghettos but many were forced to do cruel jobs ebforced by the Nazis. When the ghettos got to full the Jews were rounded up and sent to concentration camps. Before the Jews were sent to the concentration camps they were sent to transit camps. Transit camps were where Jews stayed until they were sent to the concentration camp. It was sort of a sorting ground like some may have been sent to Auschwitz well others were sent to Birkenau. Transit camps were similar to concentration camps but the conditions were significanty better. To learn more about this topic and the holocaust I encourage you to visit United States Holocaust Memorial Museum at

What were all the concentration camps during the Holocaust?

See related link.