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He sent 15 Million people to their deaths.

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Q: What did adolf hittler do to be so mean?
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Adolf Hittler

Adolf hittler was leader when?

1933 - 1945

Is hittler a girl?

"Hittler" could refer to many people as it is a German last name. If you are referring to Adolf Hitler, you'll have to change your stance to "was" as opposed to "is" as Hitler is dead. Adolf Hitler was a male dictator, so in that regard, no.

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What was the Nazi's declaration?

Mein Kampf by adolf hittler

Were did adolf hittler kill himself?

In his underground bunker in Berlin.

Why did adolf hittler like the Jewish people?

No, he most certainly did not.

Adolf Hittler's mum was cauld?

Klara Hitler (Polzl)

Did adolf hittler kill all of the jews?

No. As hard as he tried, he failed in that attempt.

What did adolf hittler do to his dog?

he poured cool whip all over his dog and had sex with it.