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Q: What did a roper do in colonial times?
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When was Colonial Times created?

Colonial Times was created in 1825.

Roper what did roper invent besides motorcycle?

roper also invented the first car

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what is a haberdasher in colonial times

Instruments in the colonial times?

flutes and horns and drums were common in the colonial times

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It is called ajuba in colonial times

What is a wainwright in colonial times?

A wainwright in colonial times meant a person who made wagons

What was true about the plantation economy in colonial times?

It was a plantation economy that existed in colonial times

What has the author I Roper written?

I. Roper has written: 'Buttermere'

In colonial times were horseshoes made by tinsmiths or blacksmiths?

In colonial times horseshoes were made by blacksmiths.

Who could be a tanner in colonial times?

only people with no children could be a Tanner in colonial times

Are there ghosts in colonial times?

People BELIEVED in ghosts during Colonial times. Does not mean that there WERE ghosts.

In colonial times the word referred to people who did what?

patriots in colonial times wanted freedom from Britain.