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Q: What did a medieval cardinal do?
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What was the job of the medieval cardinal?

Cardinals were Church officers, usually archbishops, who had the additional authority to elect a pope, should one be needed.

What is a cardinal in a medieval church?

Cardinals, sometimes called 'Princes of the Church,' are usually bishops or archbishops who have been granted an elevated status by the pope. They are responsible for electing a new pope after the death of a reigning pontiff. Most cardinals have additional duties, such as leading a diocese or archdiocese or running a department of the Roman Curia.

Who ranked highest in the hierarchy of the medieval church?

1=most important 1)Pope 2)Cardinal 3)Archbishop 4)Bishop 5)Priest Hope this helps!

Who are some of the cardinals in the Catholic church?

The College of Cardinals has been pleased to have in its ranks illustrious names such as: 1) James Cardinal McIntyre, Cardinal Archbishop of Los Angeles 2) Ernesto Cardinal Ruffini, Cardinal Archbishop of Palermo 3) Francis Cardinal Spellman, Cardinal Archbishop of New York 4) Raphael Cardinal Merry del Val, Cardinal Secretary of State 5) Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani, Cardinal Secretary of the Holy Office 6) Dennis Cardinal Dougherty, Cardinal Archbishop of Philadelphia 7) Samuel Cardinal Stritch, Cardinal Archbishop of Chicago 8) Edward Cardinal Mooney, Cardinal Archbishop of Detroit 9) Giuseppe Cardinal Siri, Cardinal Archbishop of Genoa 10) Manuel Goncalves Cardinal Cerejeira, Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon 11) Pietro Cardinal Gasparri, Cardinal Secretary of State

What is Ohio state bird?

The northern cardinal.

What is the state bird in West Virginia?

Northern Cardinal is the state bird of West Virginia.

Who is the cardinal of the kkk?

There was no cardinal of the KKK.

When did cardinal Peter Turkson become a cardinal?

He became a Cardinal on the 21st of October 2003.

What is the name of a female cardinal?

Northern Cardinal

What is the cardinal's protection?

what is the northern cardinal's protection

Is a cardinal a scavenger?

yes. a cardinal is a scavenger.

When did Pierre Lambert Goossens become cardinal?

He became a cardinal in 1788. He became a cardinal in 1788.